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Green Bond Report

As noted in the Green Bond Framework, information on the allocation of the proceeds of the green bonds will be provided via a Green Bond Report on an annual basis. An independent, qualified third party will be engaged to assure the contents of the Green Bond Report.

Key information included in the green bond report includes:

  • a list of all green bond transactions executed in the reporting period and outstanding at the reporting date and summary terms of each transaction;
  • allocation reporting for each green bond transaction, including the amount of proceeds allocated to the various eligible project categories; and
  • the environmental impacts (and social impacts where relevant) resulting from eligible projects.

The Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency has issued the Green and Sustainable Finance Certificate (Post-issuance Stage) to the green bonds reported in the Green Bond Reports, and undertook an independent assessment on the information presented in the Green Bond Reports.

Green Bond Report 2023

Green Bond Report 2022

Green Bond Report 2021

Green Bond Report 2020